
  • Product Development
  • Software Engineering/Application Design
  • Payment Technologies / High Volume Transaction Processing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Machine Learning
  • Soluitions Research
  • Intellectual Property Development,
  • Network and Data Security(PCI)
  • Technology Strategy & Due Diligence


  • Music Business
  • Financial Services
  • Factoring
  • Payments and Loyalty
  • Payroll and Tax
  • Enterprise Software/ DevOps
  • IoT/Automotive IoT
  • Medical Devices / BioTech
  • Semiconductor
  • Insurance

Project Experience

  • Music Royalty Factoring Platform
  • Card Linked Offers and Real-time Crediting Platforms
  • Card Linked Loyalty and Engagement Platform
  • IoT based Vehicle Tracking, Crash Detection and Emergency Notification Platform
  • Quality assurance process and workstation design for testing consumer electronic devices
  • System redesign and remediation of customer service systems for PCI-DSS compliance
  • Service Bureau Payroll, Tax, and Human Capital Systems Designs and Integration
  • Credit Card and Payment Transaction Processing and Analytics Systems
  • Enterprise Software Product Development and Advisory Services